terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008


TV Star Goes Green for PETA's 'Let Vegetarianism Grow on You' Ad Campaign

Sydney – Wearing a spectacular full-length gown made of lettuce and accessorised with a red chilli pepper choker – next to the tagline "Let Vegetarianism Grow on You" – vegetarian actor Pippa Black stars in a brand-new ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia-Pacific (PETA).

The ad was shot by celebrity photographer Brett Goldsmith (Brettgoldsmith.com.au) . Black – whose role as Elle Robinson on the Ten Network's Neighbours earned her a nomination for Most Popular New Female Talent at the 2006 Logie Awards – says going vegetarian was one of the best decisions she's ever made.

"Of course, going vegetarian is a positive step to help stop animal suffering; it's also great for your health and the environment", says Black, who put her studies in animal technology on hold to pursue an acting career. "I just feel better since I stopped eating meat, and when you feel better, I think you look better too."

Looking better is right. Australia has the second-highest obesity rate in the world – nearly 60 per cent of adults and more than one-fourth of children are considered to be overweight or obese. Numerous studies have found that vegetarians are on average markedly leaner than meat-eaters. Consumption of meat and other animal products has also been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some kinds of cancer.

Pigs in factory farms endure castration and tail-docking and have their teeth broken off – all without any painkillers. Cows are confined to muck-filled lots and are repeatedly impregnated. Their newborn calves are torn from them and relegated to tiny, filthy veal crates. Chickens and turkeys – more than 400 million a year – are crammed into huge, windowless sheds and are killed for their flesh when they're just months old. Laying hens are packed so tightly into cages that they cannot even stretch a wing. At abattoirs, many animals are scalded or dismembered while they are still alive.

Black joins a growing list of celebrities who have kicked the meat habit, including Missy Higgins, John Butler, Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney, Sophie Monk, Tobey Maguire and Australian Idol host Andrew G.


2 comentários:

Ana Alice disse...

Nossa truculência

Quando penso na alegria voraz
com que comemos galinha ao molho pardo,
dou-me conta de nossa truculência.
Eu, que seria incapaz de matar uma galinha,
tanto gosto delas vivas
mexendo o pescoço feio
e procurando minhocas.
Deveríamos não comê-las e ao seu sangue?
Nós somos canibais,
é preciso não esquecer.
E respeitar a violência que temos.
E, quem sabe, não comêssemos a galinha ao molho pardo,
comeríamos gente com seu sangue.

Minha falta de coragem de matar uma galinha
e no entanto comê-la morta
me confunde, espanta-me,
mas aceito.
A nossa vida é truculenta:
nasce-se com sangue
e com sangue corta-se a união
que é o cordão umbilical.
E quantos morrem com sangue.
É preciso acreditar no sangue
como parte de nossa vida.
A truculência.
É amor também.

Texto de Clarice Lispector, achei que vc iria gostar...

Danielle disse...

É estranho quando as pessoas notam o absurdo e continuam a praticá-lo.
É uma pena.